20150609091402The kidneys are two organs located in the abdominal cavity on either side of the spine in the middle of the back just above the waist and each has about 4 to 5 inches. The role these kidneys perform are life sustaining and they include the following:

* The kidneys remove wastes in the body system.

* It controls the body’s fluid balance.

* Creates urine.

*The kidneys filters the blood because all the blood in the body passes through the kidney several times a day.

* It maintains the balance of salt and minerals in the body.

*It also regulates the blood’s pressure.

* Active kidneys produce an active form of vitamin D needed for bone health.

Loss of kidney function is a serious and fatal condition. When the kidney becomes damaged, waste products and fluid can build up in the body causing swelling in the ankles, vomiting, weakness poor sleep and shortness of breath.