Amos Tutuola is a Nigerian writer of richly inventive fantasies and also the author of the first Nigerian book to achieve international fame. Tutuola was born in 1920 in Abeokuta Nigeria where he attended six years formal schooling at the salvation Army primary school. From 1939, he worked as a blacksmith and also tried other … More AMOS TUTUOLA


Diabetescould be describe as a disorder in the way the body uses to digest food for energy. Diabetes developed when the body doesn’t make enough insulin or is not able to use it efficiently. In the situation when insulin do not respond, glucose starts building up in the blood instead of being absorb by the … More DIABETES AND ITS FORMS


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian novelist, non- fiction writer and short story writer. She was born in Enugu in a family of six on September 15, 1977. She studied studied medicine and pharmacy at the university of Nigeria for a year and a half during that period, she edited a magazine ran by the … More CHIMAMANDA ADICHIE


Clone Multimedia is a media and IT company base in Cameroon that offers services such as graphic design, website design, web hosting, publication layout, online marketing and IT consultancy at a cheap and reliable rate. With more than six years of existence in the industry and its creativity and productivity, the company is heading towards … More CLONE MULTIMEDIA


Poliomyelitis also known as polio is a contagious disease caused by a virus that attack the nervous system. The virus are likely found in children younger than 5 years old. Polio virus is sometimes transmitted from one person to the other through fecal matter. The virus remain in areas with limited access to running water … More POLIOMYELITIS


The kidneys are two organs located in the abdominal cavity on either side of the spine in the middle of the back just above the waist and each has about 4 to 5 inches. The role these kidneys perform are life sustaining and they include the following: * The kidneys remove wastes in the body … More FUNCTIONS OF THE KIDNEY


Saturday June 6,2015 FC Barcelona emerged victorious at the champions league competition final that took place at the Berlin’s Olympic stadium in Berlin. Thanks to the effort of team work, the Catalans beat Juventus with a 3-1 goal took their fifth champions league trophy home.